Factors of Youth Satisfaction with Café Bars and Nightclubs in Zagreb

Šime Vukman, Karlo Mak


This paper deals with economic-geographical factors of student satisfaction with café bars and nightclubs in Zagreb. To gain insight into regional differences in student satisfaction and guided by the principles of non-probabilistic sampling using the snowball technique, an online survey was conducted (N = 319). Significant spatial differences in consumer satisfaction were detected. They are not only caused by macroeconomic indicators (average salaries), nor by material resources that students have at their disposal (pocket money and other income) but are greatly relational. In other words, the perception of the price difference between Zagreb and the county from which the respondents come proved to be extremely important. Finally, the location was the most important factor when students choose which café bar they are going to visit.


café bars; night clubs; consumer satisfaction; students; Zagreb

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2021.6.4.509


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