Self-assessment Creativity among Students Who Show Different Tendencies to Spontaneous Application of Analogies

Sonja Kaurin, Zlatko Pavlović


Applying analogies in teaching and learning can significantly improve their outcomes. It is pedagogically important to know the various factors on which depend the frequency and manner of application of analogies. Such factors include creativity. We can see the relationship between creativity and analogy from several angles. In this paper, we are dealing with the connection between self-assessment of creativity and the tendency to apply analogies in a pedagogical context. On a sample of 305 students, the Kaufman Creativity Domain Scale (K-DOCS) and inventory were applied to measure the propensity to spontaneously apply analogies. The results suggest that there is a connection between self-assessment of creativity and a tendency to apply analogies, but also that the nature of that connection is complex. The connection was registered with two areas of expression of creativity (personal-everyday and academic area), while the connection with other areas was not registered. The meaning and pedagogical significance of the obtained results were discussed.


analogies; creativity; self-assessments of creativity; spontaneous application of analogies

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