Ignatij Julijanovič Kračkovski (Ignatij Ûlianovič Kračkovskij) and His Translation of the Qur'an

Enes Karić


This year marks the seven decades of the death of Игна́тий Юлиа́нович Крачко́вский, (1883-1951), Russian Orientalist and one of the translators of the Qur'an. His translation is one of the most famous translations of this holy book. This essay deals with Крачко́вский primarily as Arabist and Islamicist who published over 500 works, and one of the foremost names in Russian Oriental Studies. His studies of Arabic literature, both contemporary and classical, as well as Arabic history and geography served Крачко́вский as a background for his translation of the Qur'an done at the end of his life. His famous translation was published posthumously, in 1963. The edition was supported by the Russian Academy of sciences in Moscow.


The Qur'an; translations of the Qur'an; Islamic East; Islam; terminology and nomenclature of the translations of the Qur'an; theology of Qur'anic translations; Arabic language; Arabic literature; Arabic manuscripts; Oriental Studies

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2021.6.4.109


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