Absurd in the Function of Postmodern Visual Communications in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maja Dedić


This paper should offer an insight into the issue of the correlation of visual communications today and the principles that are given. The avant-garde way of shaping the visual content in the field of applied arts has not bypassed Bosnia and Herzegovina either. Shock, absurdity, and cognitive dissonance as techniques of advertising communication use the intensity of experience, mental imbalance, and the ability to read and understand the visual message as a powerful means of media manipulation. Revolt, defiance, a different view of the world create a simulacrum of new consumer values, leading the observer to identify with the artistic content.


Postmodern; dada; shock effect; advertising; absurdity; visual communication; cognitive dissonance; humanism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2021.6.3.577


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