Witnessing Between History and Poetic Image, Imagination and Fascination (I Am, Damir Uzunović)
This paper aims to show the specific structure of the design of Uzunović's novel I Am, which on the one hand inherits a postmodern approach to the structure, and on the other hand, succeeds in concealing the relativism of the organization of the world with a zone of emotions. Genre-wise, Uzunović's novel fits in the novel book genre, in which the bildungsroman is enriched with a cultural image of a travelogue, that is, a chronotope of its events. For this reason, in this novel, the questioning of the identity of his hero concerning what was offered to him by the place and time of his birth will come to the fore, then the questioning of the subject's alienation in the zone of the Other, from which again a fragmented writing style will emerge, which, finally, will have its generalization of profits based on the phenomenon of universal sympathy.
Damir Uzunović; I am; bildungsroman; subject; universe of sympathy
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2023.8.1.79
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