Position of Students and University Teachers In Didactic Methodical Determination of Higher Education from Aspect of Cyber Information Didactic Theory and Curriculum Theory

Nedim Čirić


In the teaching process, the relationship between students and university teachers is an importantdeterminant of the quality learning and teaching process. The concepts of didactic theories provide adifferent approach to the didactic - methodical determination of teaching, and the position of studentsin the scientific - teaching process in relation to the concept of the old school and the traditionalpedagogical paradigm of teaching. The student is observed and experienced as a collaborator, learningpartner, authoritarian teaching styles are abandoned, democratically oriented communication andinteraction are developed, with mutual respect, tolerance and respect for all participants in the teachingprocess. The analytical - descriptive method, comparative analysis and content analysis were used. Therelationship and position of students and university teachers in the teaching process through the prismof didactic theories advocated by Christina Möller and Felix von Cube are presented. The issues ofselectivity, cooperation and competitiveness as a starting point for defining the position of students inteaching, purposes and goals of learning, based on the modern pedagogical paradigmatic orientation ofthe “learning society”, and the analysis of the position and position of students and university teachersthrough the prism of cyber-information didactic theories and curriculum theories.


higher education; didactic theories; position of students; quality of learning and teaching

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2021.6.1.241


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