Creativity in “My Environment“ (Nature and Society) Classes

Vanesa Delalić


School should be a place where the creativity of students and teachers is encouraged and developed. In order to stimulate the creativity of students and teachers, schools must provide experiential learning and active learning. Thus, they cannot be governed by compulsion, fear and anti-pedagogy. Teaching should not undermine the student’s natural curiosity, but should allow and encourage students to think in a different way. The teacher should use active teaching methods and partner and research teaching; he should encourage discovering and questioning the natural environment, implement flexible programs, and ensure original learning and experimenting . Each subject can be planned in a creative way. The teacher is the one who needs to find a way that best suits the specifics and the interests and needs of a particular class. In addition to classroom teaching, there are important extracurricular activities in which the student is completely free and expresses his / her autonomy and desire to create. However, the best results are achieved through a harmonious combination of extracurricular and teaching activities. The task of the school is to develop a set of habits and abilities that will help its students to overcome any future challenge and find better solutions to problems. Students must learn to use the acquired knowledge and experience in a new way. Since its syllabus is a combination of different areas of teaching, ‘My environment’ classes provide exceptional possibilities to encourage students’ creativity.These classes should, therefore, focus on experiential learning that will make it easier for students to adopt content.


creativity; creative teacher; creative techniques in My Environment classes; encouraging students’ creativity

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