The Etiology of Creativity – Parenting and Early Family Environment as a Conceptual Framework

Belma Alić Ramić, Dženeta Camović


Research aimed at the etiology of creativity suggests that its development is contributed by both individual and contextual factors. In analyzing contextual factors, more attention is paid to the institutional environment concerning the family. Starting from the above, the goal of this work is to explicate the development of creativity by taking parenting and the early family environment as a conceptual framework. Operationalizing family context through two dimensions – structural (socioeconomic status, family size, birth order) and process (integration, parenting style, parenting dimensions), sought to explore their connection to the development of creativity in early childhood. A special focus was on the process dimension, through the relationship between parenting – as what parents do along with children and creative development in early childhood. In doing so, etiological factors are taken into account that enable and/or inhibit the development of creative potential.


etiology of creativity; early childhood; parenting; family environment

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