Planning, Realization and Evaluation of Team Teaching: Teachers’ Perspective

Gordana M. Stepić, Daliborka R. Popović


Team teaching is a complex teaching system that depicts the school culture based on cooperation and mutual sharing. The research aims to consider the representation of team teaching in the first cycle of primary education, as well as the advantages and difficulties in its planning, implementation, and evaluation from the teachers’ perspective. The research sample consisted of a total of 120 teachers, 104 of whom were teachers with experience in team teaching. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire. The content analysis method was used to process the collected answers. The results show that teachers most often participate in team planning and preparation, occasionally in team implementation, and sporadically in team evaluation of teaching. Teachers presented a large number of positive characteristics regarding the implementation of team teaching, in contrast to a large number of problems regarding team planning and preparation. Teachers are rarely involved in the evaluation of team teaching. They see the advantages of team planning through the resource of ideas for teaching and preparation of teaching content, and the disadvantages through organizational and technical problems and difficulties in the functioning of the team. They see the advantages of team realization in the possibilities of professional development, better designing of the teaching process, and better student learning, while the shortcomings are expressed in the organizational and technical domain and direct work with students. Teachers generally consider the planning and preparation of team teaching concerning themselves, and the realization of team teaching is mostly about students. Creating conditions for efficient and effective planning and preparation of team teaching is a basic prerequisite for the implementation of this teaching system, according to teachers.


team teaching; teachers; planning; preparation; implementation and evaluation of team teaching

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