Assessment Predictors of the Need for Supervision of Educational Rehabilitators

Daniela Cvitković, Nikolina Majdak


This research aims to analyze the need for educational rehabilitation experts to be included in supervision in Croatia and to determine the predictors of that need. Educational rehabilitation experts are more sensitive to stress and burnout compared to other „helper professions“ and at higher risk for reduced achievement and job dissatisfaction (Nichols and Sosnowski 2002). Therefore, for educational rehabilitation experts, supervision could play an important role. Their search was conducted electronically through an online survey questionnaire in which 120 Croatian educational rehabilitation experts with a master's degree took part. An adapted questionnaire by Kolega and Vlahović-Štetić (2014) was used for these purposes, which contains data on the socioeconomic status, issues related to experience, and the need for supervision and loneliness in the workplace. The Stress at Work Scale (Majdak 2020) and the adaptation of the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (Maslić Seršić, Šverko and Galić 2004) were also applied. Results show that 52.5% of the participants (N=63) had a general experience of supervision and 26.7% (N=32) had an experience of the integrative developmental model of supervision. The majority of participants 76.7% (N=92) express a need for supervision. The results of the regression analysis show that the only statistically significant predictor of the need for supervision experiences in supervision (R = 0.36, R² = 13, p <0.00). Those with experience in supervision express a greater need for supervision. Other predictors (years of service, job satisfaction, stress, loneliness at work) are not statistically significant. The results obtained by the research can serve as an incentive for further and more detailed research and for spreading awareness on the importance of including educational rehabilitation experts in various forms of professional support.


supervision; educational rehabilitation experts

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