Service Learning in Preschool Institutions and Their Impact on Civic Competencies of Children

Nusreta Kepeš


Service-learning (S-L) aims to promote the quality of education as well as improve local development in the community. In this approach, a child learns theories in the preschool classroom, but practices work in the local community. The best example of service-learning is described in the Concept of education for the 21st century, where Delors(1996) states: “Learn for learning, learn to work, learn to be, learn to live together with others.“From this concept, one can notice lifelong learning that has a specific social intervention based on solidarity and realization of true needs in the community. The research was conducted on a sample of 17 kindergartens in Zenica-Doboj Canton that applied Service Learning in their work. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Service Learning can influence the development of civic competencies in preschool children. According to the research data and statements made by a preschool teacher, children had excellent experiences during the realization of Service-Learning ( S-L). In addition, parents and community members had positive attitudes and readiness to work in partnership with kindergartens. Namely, Service-learning as a project method in kindergarten is a great example of how the youngest can set a community in motion but also encourage its development through civic participation. The acquired data suggest that Service learning had been recognized as activity “civic education” in an area that enables them to act and educate the future generation of socially responsible citizens.


Service-learning (S-); solidarity initiatives; kindergartens in the employment of service; civic education

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