Implementation of Digital Games in the Teaching Process

Filduza Prušević Sadović


We live in a time of intense social change. Technology is advancing every day and is leading to new ways of solving problems, ways of working, as well as the way of coming to knowledge. Digital games as part of modern technology, in addition to being fun, offer the possibility of a different learning concept. Playing digital games, if properly implemented in the teaching process, can have multiple positive effects. If we want to see the teaching of the future, we cannot do that by looking at the teaching of what it is now. We have to watch the children during they play video games. We will see that they are engaged, excited, active as they learn by crossing one level of the game after another. The digital environment has led to the phenomenon that today's children adopt information in a different way than their parents did. Instead of receiving information passively from beginning to end, which was made possible by previous learning technologies such as books, printed materials, television shows, today's children are in an interactive relationship with learning technologies. The application of digital games in teaching enables the encouragement of creativity in children, which is in contrast to the current way of working in schools in which students are mostly offered ready-made solutions. Learning through play is a controlled process of the personal activity of students through which solutions are found and answers to certain questions. The aim of this paper is to point out the influence of digital games on the effects of learning, on the motivation of students, as well as the ways in which they can be implemented in the teaching process. In this way, students' everyday experience in playing digital games, acquired outside of school, could be used for the purpose of transferring and acquiring new knowledge.


activity; digital games; interactive teaching; learning

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