Glorification of Crimes and Criminals (Instance Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Ermin Kuka


Glorification is more and more present nowadays, also like denial crimes committed. Thereby they wantto relativize crimes, falsify all historical events, and ultimately try to equalize criminals with the victim.Glorification, revisionism, and disclamation become so important. Criminals and their bad deeds arepresented as heroic, mythical, and ideal. They introduce themselves as leaders, representatives, and sonsof the best from the nation where they come from. Instead of shame and confrontation society withcriminals and their crimes, they are celebrated, respected, and elevated to the greatest human values.This is a paradox of the modern world. The analysis of relevant documentation (documents of the so-called Army of republic Srpska ICTY, judgments, reference literature in the subject area....) will be anattempt to explain the topic of glorification. Offering solutions to possible deviations from the permanentglorification of crimes and criminals has become a challenge of the modern age.


glorification; denial; criminals; crimes; Bosnia and Herzegovina

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