Information-communications Competencies of Teachers as a Requirement of Contemporary Teaching and the Lifelong Learning Concept

Merjem Sušić


This article aimed to make a theoretical review of the importance of ICT education of teachers in service of preparation for more efficient performances required by their profession in the context of general globalization changes they are exposed to. In that sense, a review of the advantages of ICT utilization and the requirements of lifelong learning which sets informatical skills as an imperative had been presented, emphasizing the role of teachers, since it requires working on self-improvement, as well as directing others towards competent, critically observed and purposeful usage of modern technological achievements. Some of the priorities for the development of higher education in B&H have been presented, where in the context of scientific research work for the 2016-2026 period, providing all of the public higher education institutions with ICT equipment is planned, which indicates that the teachers working in these institutions must possess the competencies for their utilization, especially because institutions of higher education should play the role of one of the main promoters of lifelong learning.


information-communication competencies of teachers; lifelong learning; digital competence; e-learning and teaching; strategies of inciting teachers to use information communication technologies

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