Media – Audience Relation in Montenegro

Miomir Maroš


The audience in this work, together with her emotions towards the media, is seen as one of the elements of the media brand. Other elements are: media identity, the highest demand, professionalism, trust, social responsible business and strategy of the media (according to the research for this paper, with the media and marketing specialists). In contrast to the traditional media which do not have much understanding for the needs of the audience, since in new media, portals and social networks, citizen is the communicator, who by the rapid placement of news, sent suggestions and comments on information, participates in the creation of media environment. So, citizen journalism exists in Montenegro also. Great lack of professional journalism is lack of links with this new form of journalism prepared by citizens. In terms of polarized Montenegrin media scene, where the media are highly political colored, cooperation of the media with the audience for which they exist would return the dignity to the media. Reporting according to the professional standards, as opposed to the current manipulation would also restore trust in the media, but also benefit the government and the opposition, as a constructive and benevolent corrective in work.


the media; journalism; audience; branding; civic journalism;

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