The Effects of the Increased Euroscepticism on Eu Enlargement Policy on Western Balkans

Anes Makul


The subject of this paper is the analysis of the effects of the increased number of right-wing Eurosceptics on the enlargement policy of the EU on Western Balkans. The aim of this work is, on the one hand, to point at the increased number of the right-wing Eurosceptic political parties, and to analyze how they affect the widening policy. The major argument is that the right-wing Eurosceptic parties reduce the scope of the traditional parties regarding EU integration, which influences the enlargement policy. The
increased support of the right-wing Eurosceptic parties is just one factor affecting the enlargement policy.
An additional factor for a less devoted enlargement policy towards the Balkans States is that would include a longer period of institutional adaption in the EU, but also the adaption of new members on each other. Second, a factor of the less devoted enlargement policy was the economic crises the EU coped with, and which have contributed to the rise of the right-wing Euroscepticism.


EU Enlargement; Euroscepticism; Right-wing populism; Western Balkans

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