Džejla Idrizović


For the deeper and more complete understanding of the results of a pupil's success is very important to studing and deeper understanding of the context in which pupils learns or of the various conditions that form an integral part of these contexts in school and family. If we want to understand an individual's development, we must understand the interactions between the individual and his or her present and past environment. In his theory of ecological systems, Bronfenbrenner (1994) calls this transactional relationship as “development in context”. In order to understand the context in which our pupils are developing, an empirical study was conducted and the sample consisted of 196 seventh and eighth grade pupils from four elementary schools in Canton Sarajevo, 121 parents of the surveyed pupils and 64 subject teachers. The aim of the research is to identify the most significant predictors of adolescents' academic achievements by theoretical analysis of the relevant pedagogical literature, also by results of a survey conducted on a sample of respondents and to try to assess their importance in enabling young people to cope with societal challenges. The results of the research show that high quality teacher-pupil relationships,family-school partnerships, and a high level of learning motivation are very important predictors for learning and progress of pupils.


family; school; adolescents; school success; learning motivation; development in context

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