Theoretical and Methodological Knowledge in Practice of Social Work

Jagoda Petrovic, Maja Pekić


Social work, a scientifical, professional and educational activity „encourages social changes,development, social cohesion, empowerement and liberation of people“ (IFSW, 2014). Pragmatism,expressed in this definition, is a request for the science of social work to efficiently remove socialproblems and social deviations, such as poverty, unemployment, social exclusion, (re)intergration ofmigrants, alcholism, juvenile delinquency, violence, etc.One of the problems comes from insufficiently developed science of social work, which is characterisedby pluralism of theories, methodologicalinauthenticityand positivism. Other problem is that in practiceof social work scientific knowledge is not enough used. This kind of approach marginalizes theproffesion of social work. Minor allocations in social protection sector contribute to this also. Finally,the question arises: „Does the academic education produce qualified cadres?“.Theoretical – methodical qualification of social work’s students for future work is a research subjectwhich is conducted on a specimen of 100 examinees, advanced university students and attendants ofmaster study of the Faculty of political science in Banja Luka. By the scale of Lickert’s type, opinionsof students about qualification for application social work’s theories, theoretical-methodical approach,ethical standards, methods and skills of social work have been examined. The results showed thatstudents consider that they are well qualified for application of social work’s theories and the theoriesfor social work; that they are less qualified for social work in community and with group in comparsionwith social work with an individual; that they are very good qualified for application of interviews and surveys in comparsion with methods that contribute to modernization of social work’s proffesion (historyof the case and studies of the case, action research); that they have good knowledge about ethicalprinciples of social work; that their knowledge about application of communication skills are bigger incomparsion of practical skills (consulting, mediation, representation, supervision, team work) and skillsof social work in community (fundraising, volunteer managment, lobbying).General conclusion is: the application of theories and methods in practice (re)affirm the science of socialwork, and the proffesion of social work makes efficient in fight for the general well-being.


theories; methods; science of social work; proffesion of social work; education for social work

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