Specific Ethical-aesthetic Information Within the Public Space and Critical Analytical Referential of Art Activism in B&h as Artistic-educational Content

Maja Hrvanović, Baisa Bakin


The phenomenon of evaluating the work of art is often subordinated to the function of aesthetic experience and formed at the basis of personal judgment and ability to read the connotative content. Artistic intervention in the public urban space is achieved as a direct correlation and confrontation with political, social and cultural heritage.Explicit quotations of unavoidable avangard and Dadaist tendencies constructed a matrix to upgrade postmodern attitude artistic phenomena and socio-political confrontation of space, time and actions. Identification of the observer with the observed is the highest level of artificial experience and a prerequisite for acceptance, understanding, and memory usage information, artistic type. Conceptual occupation of public space is a result of the need for a direct relationship between the observers, their perception, interpretation and reaction to a work of art. Combination of mutually exclusive elements from different spheres: the sacred and profane, artificial and natural, modern and traditional, kitschy and aesthetic, is changing art scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina offering mostly authentic stories, local myths and reinterpretation of known conceptual methods.


artistic and educational content; socially engaged art; activism; public space; ethics; aesthetics; specificity; criticism; analytical skills; referential;

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ISSN: 2490-3604 (print) ● ISSN: 2490-3647 (online)

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