Qualitative Locative in Bosnian Language

Sedina Medjedovic


In bosnian scientific research literature, the qualitative locative is described as the type of attribute that determines the administrative concept through its characteristics, properties. Its meaning is differentlyunderstood, so the term, qualitative locative, covers the prepositional case construction of diverse semantics. Since the qualitative locative constructions in bosnian language have not been studied, adescription of their semantic characteristics will be offered here, as well as the importance of studyingof the cases as a semantic category. This paper compares the relationship between the meaning and theuse of the qualitative locative of some authors and gives its semantic typology. There is also a reference to the relationship between meanings and the use of the terms the qualitative instrumental and qualitativeinstrumental characteristic details to which some locative constructions can be linked. The issue of th erelationship between these constructions is highlighted and the need to distinguish between qualitative and characteristic details is emphasized. There are various ways of how the quality interweaves with some other semantic categories. Locative quality is often expressed through characteristic details andexplanation, and then through quantity and some other semantic categories. It is shown that the qualitative locative in bosnian language is a system of different semantic types and subtypes. Certain terminological solutions are offered with the aim of establishing the difference between semantic typesand subtypes of quality locative.


prepositional case expression; qualitative locative; bosnian language; semantic typology

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