Learning about Learning in the Context of Pedagogical Theoretical Knowledge

Ranka Perućica, Sanja Živanović, Draženko Jorgić


Learning any type of material or any activity can be a burden for an individual. If we are dealing with individuals at younger age periods, then that burden becomes even heavier. Practice shows that students are generally not willing to learn, and there are more and more educators who are dissatisfied with the way students learn at all age levels. We should look for the result of dissatisfaction in the causes, and the task of educators should be to instruct students to primarily learn to learn. Dissatisfaction should be sought in the causes, and the task of educators would be to instruct students to primarily learn to learn. The goal of the paper is a consistent theoretical review of learning to learn, viewed through a kind of "binocular" of the author for the analysis of the problems of learning to learn, based on "listening" to practice. Using the method of theoretical analysis, we elaborated the theoretical foundations and performed an analysis of the available literature on the issue of learning to learn, observing the same in its way through permanence, determinism, integrative, multi-layered dimension, and intellectual education. reviewing the literature that deals with the issue of learning, we tried to point out the importance of the same, to develop theoretical foundations that will help all those who are engaged in educational work in developing awareness of the importance and popularization of this issue on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can represent a foundation for some future research.


intellectual education; learning competence; metacognition; independent learning; learning to learn

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2022.7.4.541


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