Effect of Family Structure on the Achievement of Primary School Pupils

Sasa Delić, Salem Bakić, Selma Bakić


The aim of this study is to assess whether the structure of the family of primary school students affects their success. It is important to emphasize that this paper is an account of a small segment of the overall research that is aimed at assessing the impact of family structure of primary school students on their behavior. For the purposes of the research constructed questionnaire. The study included 100 students in the sixth and seventh-graders at nine-concept studies at elementary school “Sjenjak” in Tuzla. Of the total number of students, 77 had both parents, 15 had one parent, and 8 students without parental care.From descriptive statistical parameters calculated absolute and percentage frequency. Testing conducted using the hi-square test. The hypothesis tested by challenging the alpha level of significance of 95%, or 5% risk (0,05). Realized results in the paper presented in tables and graphs. It found that most of the students who had both parents had excellent, very good and good success compared to students who had one parent, especially compared to students without parents. Realized hi-square test was equal to 25.1276. Since the calculated hi-square greater than limit values hi-square with 4 degrees of freedom, it can be concluded that students with both parents, or those who live in complete families had a significantly better success compared to other students.


family; parents; students; success

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