The Risk as a Communication Phenomenon Within McLuhan’s Global Village

Amina Vatreš


Positioning one of the crucial dimensions of recent global society - global interdependence in the centerof interest, the essential goal of this paper is primarily to reflect on the communication potential of globalrisks as a new reflection of interdependence within McLuhan’s global village. The paper explains howthe media’s reduction of the world to the level of a global village has affected and transformed therelevant determinants of various risks, but also the process by which different societies cooperate andcommunicate to deal with them effectively. Speaking primarily from the perspective of globalinterdependence, as a product of a globalized-driven change in the communicative-technological-socialparadigm, the paper is oriented towards theoretical consideration of the position of risk as acommunication phenomenon in the modern age.


global village; mass media; global risks; mediatization of risk; global communication interdependence

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