Interdisciplinarity of Academic Studies and Quality of Tertiary Education

Nedim Ćirić, Selma Porobić, Ramiz Nurikic


The quality of teaching, educational work of teachers is directly related to the competencies of university teachers. The interdisciplinarity of the program for training teachers in university studies, can be a good basis for creating a new quality of teaching. It includes a variety of approaches to scientific fields, in order to build competencies needed for educational work in teaching modern school. This requires innovation curriculum, as well as changing the entire didactic - methodological organization of teaching in higher education, which must overcome the traditional paradigm of teaching and integrate value Paradigm Learning, based on interactivity and active participation of students. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of teaching in pedagogical and psychological group of subjects in the study programs of the University of Tuzla, which educate students for teaching. Used analytical - descriptive and survey as a variant of the analytical and descriptive methods, and procedures of content analysis and survey. It is assumed there is a statistically significant difference in the evaluation of the quality of instruction given the clear emphasis on the objectives and demands of the course, preparedness and interesting classes, active participation of students interact during classes, the democratic principle of freedom of expressing an opinion and attitude, and to evaluate the quality of teaching varies according the demographic variables gender, academic achievement and degree program in which students study. The research results show that students are not completely dissatisfied with the quality of the education system, but certain parts of the higher education system, ie. part of which remained marginalized in the reform process - the pedagogical and didactic - methodical aspects of reform relating to education and its organizational structure, whose quality failed to meet the expectations of students, because it is not compatible with the modern achievements of pedagogy, didactics and methodology of teaching.


university instruction; quality evaluation; higher education; interdisciplinary curriculum;

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