Melisa Husarić, Alija Selimović, Ljubica Tomić, Erna Emić


The aim of the study was to examine the contribution of perceived parental behaviour (emotionality and control) in explaining disordered eating patterns of adolescents (diet, bulimia and food preoccupation, and oral control). The survey was conducted on a sample of 898 high school students (54-% female respondents), of an average age of 18 years (M = 17.76; σ = 0.94). Information on disordered eating patterns was collected through Eating Attitudes Test, EAT, 26, and the assessment of the perception of the basic dimensions of parental behaviour was performed through The Scale of perception of parental behaviour. The link between the adolescent perception of parental behaviour and disordered eating patterns has been registered approximately 45-% (R=.67) of the variances of disordered eating patterns have been explained by the chosen predictors. Individually, the most efficient predictor was following a diet modality, where 41-% (R= .64) of the variances were explained. Bulimic behaviour and preoccupation with food was also found to be a very significant predictor, with 34-% (R=.55) of the variances explained as is the case with oral control, which accounted for 30% (R=.55) of the variances. Looking at the variables individually, the most efficient predictor was the perception of the mother’s behaviour: namely the mother’s control (β=.49) and the mother’s emotionality (β= -.30), while the perception of the father’s behaviour was not as significant; (father’s control - β=.10). The estimation of occurrence of disordered eating habits is more efficient in adolescents who perceived their parents as less emotional. The same is the case when parents are perceived as exerting excessive control over their child’s behaviour (especially in the case of the mother).


disordered eating patterns; perception of the parental behaviour; adolescents

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