Online Counselling in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Unknown or Necessary?

Anida Dudić-Sijamija


Online counseling as a method of assisting is currently very popular and widely used worldwide. Although the development of counseling and psychotherapy in an online environment began with the advent of the Internet, it is only in recent times that the online approach to supporting and helping individuals in crisis has been more systematically and seriously implemented. The popularity and significance of online counseling and psychotherapy in modern society are the result of social changes. In light of this, research was conducted to examine the attitudes and experiences of Bosnian citizens regarding online counseling and consulting with experts to overcome life problems. The study surveyed 100 citizens through a questionnaire, and the results indicate their insufficient awareness of the possibilities of online counseling and prejudices toward professionals. Also, a case study was presented – the first online platform for counseling and psychotherapy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as an example of good practice. Through a semi-structured interview, insight was gained into the professional experience of experts in counseling and psychotherapeutic work. The research results can provide insight into the availability of counseling services in an online environment and open up new research questions that could encourage professionals to engage in this form of psychosocial work.


internet; online counseling; online psychotherapy; experiences; attitudes; Bosnia and Herzegovina

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