Urban Security Measures: Are Citizens Sufficiently Informed about and Satisfied with Them?

Jelena Pavičić Vukičević, Ana Marija Dunaj, Irena Cajner Mraović


The aim of this paper is to examine how citizens of the City of Zagreb perceive urban security measures, such as cameras, video surveillance, applications for reporting problems to city services and the police, and how they perceive informing citizens about possible self-protective behaviour and security on the official website of the City of Zagreb and about actions to be taken in crisis situations. The research was conducted on a sample of 3,400 adult citizens of the City of Zagreb, and the sample was segmented according to the 17 city districts, with 200 respondents in each. Respondents filled out, in person and online, a questionnaire consisting of nine sections that examined the perception and feeling of (in)security in the City of Zagreb, satisfaction with the quality of life in the city and the district, and a feeling of accountability and willingness to actively participate in creating a feeling of security and raising the quality of life of citizens in the City of Zagreb. The analysis of the obtained results related to the security of citizens indicates that the respondents consider all measures of urban security of citizens important, and additional analyses have indicated that women, compared to men, assess the importance of measures as higher. The tendency of younger respondents to highlight applications as important urban security measures has also been noted. In addition, people with a lower level of trust in other people are more likely to attach greater importance to urban security measures.


City of Zagreb; urban security measures; citizens’ attitudes; socio-demographic characteristics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2023.8.3.733


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