Extension of Television on Social Networks

Miralem Dautović


The article discusses the implications, potential, and ways of using online media in the context of television journalism. Watching TV together is moving to social networks. Relying on the concept of social television viewing, the paper tried to study how television station editors use social networks, as well as to what extent social networks use television as a source of content. These questions were investigated empirically using the method of content analysis on a sample of 10 BH. television stations. The results point to three areas: 1. watching television on social networks as a social activity (Social TV), 2. television as a resource and source of content for social networks, and 3. social networks as a new television platform. The article provides a contribution to a poorly studied area in studies of the adaptation of television to the contemporary convergent environment.


television; television journalism; convergence; social networks; video; social tv

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2022.7.4.603


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