The Relationship between Perception of School Climate and Teacher Motivation

Gabriel Pinkas


The relationship between organizational climate and employee motivation is one of the fundamental questions in the field of work performance research. Previous research has shown that a more favorable social, emotional and work context contributes to greater employee engagement and higher productivity. The subject of this research was the relationship between the teachers’ perception of school climate and their work motivation. This paper presents the results obtained from a sample of 467 teachers from 25 elementary schools in the wider city area of Tuzla. The School Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ) and the Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers (WTMST) were used to collect data. The obtained results suggest that the school climate, as perceived by teachers, has predictor value in relation to their motivation. In terms of predictor value for identified regulation, motivation, and internal motivation, a collaboration between teachers and relationships with students stands out. Nevertheless, the small amount of explained variance is an indicator that teacher motivation is in its entirety mostly determined by the sum of actions of other factors. In this way, however, a small part of the total variance of motivation is explained, which suggests that motivation is mostly determined by the sum of the actions of other factors.


teacher motivation; school climate; Self-determination theory

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