Brčko District of B&H: Between Simulacrum and Reality

Enes Pašalić


For years, the public speech on the Brčko District of B&H, established in 2000 based on The Final Arbitration Award, has been all about political phrases that have lost all connection with reality. Therefore, it is high time to speak competently about what was the socio-cultural and political novelty made by the Final Award, which has been disintegrating for years in a way that calls into question the very survival of the District. The Final Arbitration Award produced "an area under new political jurisdiction." "Bosnian new space" can be reduced to several important characteristics. The establishment of the District created: New constitutional structure of B&H; A new political model has been established in the District (civil), as opposed to those in Bosnian entities (ethnonational); A democratic unitary government has been established, unlike the consociational government in B&H and FB&H; Consistent insistence on multiethnicity (multiculturalism) in all spheres of public life. All these elements are interconnected and form one whole, so questioning any one of them endangers the survival of the others. Unfortunately, all of these elements are questionable today. On the hand, that is thanks to the changes made to the District’s Statute by Supervisor Gregorian. On the other hand, that is thanks to the disregard of the Final Award, the Statute, and the law by local politicians. It is high time to point out all of these problems that the District faces to get the professional and political attention that this specific socio-cultural and political model deserves.


Brčko District of B&H; arbitration; Final Arbitral Award; multiethnicity; multiculturalism; citizen; ethnonational; unitary government; consociational government; multiperspective

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