Play Therapy: Therapeutic Games for Children With Developmental Disabilities

Anida Dudić


Although fears and various forms of anxiety is very common and integral part of the development of every child, sometimes become so intense and prolonged that the resulting discomfort and distress to the child and his family. In such cases, the question is whether even a fleeting, age and situation appropriate or fears it is better to talk about anxiety disorders and phobias. The way in which children express their emotions is an important indicator of the nature of child processes. Children are often not aware of the fact that the emotions; This does not mean that they do not see, but you do not know how to verbalize, trying to suppress unpleasant emotions. However, the emotional pain and unlived emotions are reflected in the children's behavior and process. The best way of experiencing these emotions is through play. According to the definition of the Association for Play Therapy (2003), play therapy is a therapeutic modality in which the therapist uses the therapeutic powers of the game to help children prevent or solve psychosocial problems in order to achieve optimal growth and development. The construction of the therapeutic relationship in play therapy and establishing contacts with the help of creative therapeutic process, children have the opportunity to get to know, understand and accept themselves and their own needs, to become aware of their feelings and express them in a socially acceptable way. The aim of this work to explain and describe the nature of the application of therapeutic play in working with children with developmental disabilities, with a focus in the treatment of anxiety disorders. The paper used semi-structured interviews on a sample made up of professionals from the private and public sectors in their therapeutic effect help children to solve development problems.


developmental disabilities; diagnosis; play therapy; children; nature of game;

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