Social Support for Students With Disabilities in The Function of Social Inclusion

Mira Ćuk, Andrea Rakanović Radonjić


In the University of Banja Luka, at the Faculty of Political Sciences are studying 20 students with disabilities. Students with disabilities participate equally with other students in the entire activity and work of the Faculty. Existing accessibility to all content and developed forms of social support from higher education activities enable students with disabilities to become involved and social integrated. The research, whose results will be present in the paper, dealt with the basic and social characteristics of students, the forms of social support they receive and its contribution to the social inclusion of students with disabilities. The data were collected by analyzing the files off all students with disabilities (20) and the focus group method on a total of N=10 with disabilities.The results of the research have shown that students with disabilities at the Faculty of Political Science in University of Banja Luka have easier, more difficult and difficult grades physical and sensory impairments. The social support they provide is emotional, informative, and instrumental, as well as support through socializing. The students receive a positive assessment of the received supportive and think that they need to be deepened and expanded, which would increase their involvement andintegration. 


students with disabilities; social support; social inclusion

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