Discourse of the Body in Movies: Some Aspects

Dženan Skelić


The paper intends to present only preliminary results of an extensive study. As such, the paper attempts to systematize the aspects of body discourse in the film. The analyses of the presentations of body and the relationship towards them is based on the sample of over 1000 films.The analysis encapsulates all the most significant achievements by covering all the films classified as cult films. Cult films determined the culture of the time in which they originated either as a product of the culture or as direct or indirect modelling of the culture. Films that are not on the official list of cult films of the world's cinematic heritage are also included as being highly ranked by the public. Furthermore, it is evident that such films played a noticeable role in shaping the body's consciousness and the way we perceive the physicality.The results of the analysis point to the existence of relatively clear categories of physical appearance in the film as well as confirmation of the tendency to reflect certain principles, receptions, understanding and physical fitness.


discourse; body; film; culture;

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