Two Poets of Modernist Poetry – Antun Gustav Matoš i Musa Ćazim Ćatić

Edina Murtić


This Paper explores in what manner the literary-historical and social circumstances connected the poetry of Antun Gustav Matoš and Musa Ćazim Ćatić. Numerous mentions of Matoš and Ćatić in the sameliterary-criticism and literary-historic context indicate the nterpenetration of poetics of these poets, which we tried to explore on the concrete examples of their poems in a comparative approach. The symbolic interweaving of life topics into the sonnets and poems which marked the Modernist era in Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina is specific for both poets. In the poetry of Ćatić and Matoš, modernist poetry appears as a result of the spirit of the times, of the general but also of their individual experience they lived through. It is a result of meeting with European poetry conjunctures but also the inevitability of the „internal“ literary development in the areas of the South-Slavic inter-literarycommunity. 


Ćatić; Matoš; Modernist poetry; poetry; Symbolism; the South-Slavic inter-literary community

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