Perception of Loneliness and Meaning of Life with Elderly People

Izet Pehlić, Sakib Peskić, Nermin Tufekčić


The aim of this study was, through research of attitudes, to establish perception of loneliness and meaning of life of the elderly people who have the institutional and non-institutional support. The authors in the study started from the assumption that the attitudes of elderly people who have the institutional and non-institutional support does not have statistically significant difference in the perception of loneliness and meaning of life.
The method of theoretical analysis and descriptive-analytic survey method was used from research methods. Short form UCLA Loneliness Scale (Allen and Oshagan, 1995) and the Purpose in Life test (Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1964) - adapted form of PIL test (Debats, 1996) were used from research instruments.
The research sample consisted of 150 elderly people who use residential care as a form of support and 150 elderly people who live in their households and do not use the services of dormitory accommodation.
The results of the research showed that elderly people living in their households show statistically significantly higher levels on a scale of loneliness than the elderly people who have institutional treatment. On the other hand, elderly people who have institutional social support show statistically greater values on the meaning of life scale than people living in their households. The variables sex and age were not statistically significantly associated with variables loneliness and meaning of life.


social support; elderly people; loneliness; meaning of life

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