Social Sciences And Humanities And It Challenges

Natalija Jovanović


Social sciences and humanities are experiencing the greatest challenges in the era of modern technologies – information and communication technologies. Information technologies (IT) have directly influenced the life and work of every individual. Personal computers have become an integral part of our knowledge and skills in our lives and work. In the second half of the twentieth century, and especially in the twentyfirst century, education, primarily higher education, has become of great importance both for the socialdevelopment and for the development and social promotion of individuals. Professional competencies have become crucial for assuming professional roles. The question of the market feasibility of certain types of education is the new dimension of education which is imposed as a standard. As a consequence, the education of programmers, information technology experts, has imposed itself as a state strategy and a market priority. In such circumstances, social sciences and humanities are suppressed as unprofitable, and there arises an absurd question and problem – whether social sciences and humanities make sense and what they should be. In order to analyse this problem and to answer the question on the meaning of social sciences and humanities, one may start from several research questions. Research questions are: is it necessary to develop education exclusively as an information technology education; whether giving an absolute priority to IT education is the answer to the direction in which education is to be developed; whether social sciences and humanities have overcome the concept of education; should both social sciences and humanities be re-assembled so that they can fit into the concept of modern information technology?


social sciences and humanities; information technologies (IT); education; higher education;

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