Anxiety Occurrence in Chronically Hospitalized Children and Adolescents

Adela Jahić, Meliha Bijedić


Anxiety occurs as a most common issue at children and adolescents. Anxiety is the basic symptom of all forms of social nonconformity and emotional damage.The complexity of issues at chronically ill and hospitalized children and adolescents comes from the need for a permanent contact with medical personnel, frequent stay in the hospital, being subject to various medical treatments and rehabilitation programmes which can affect the healthy attachment with the family and the peers. The objective of the research is to determine the presence of anxiety at chronically hospitalized children and adolescents and to detect it’s relation to the adjustment issues.In accordance with the objective the hypothesis has been set up and proven by statistical methods. The research has been conducted at The Clinic for Children’s Diseases, University Clinical Center Tuzla on the sample of 120 subjects. The data was collected during 2014. The research proved that there is a connection between adjustment disability and anxiety at chronically hospitalized children and adolescents. In relation to the adjustment areas, the descriptive statistical parameters were shown for: antisicial behaviour, anger control issues, emotional difficulties, positive attitude towards oneself and the overall adjustment.


chronical hospitalization; anxiety; adjustment; children; adolescents

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