AI vs Humans Dealing with Language Tasks: Unlocking Some New Pedagogical Dimensions in TEFL Practices

Marijana Prodanović, Asta Pukienė, Ieva Brazauskaitė-Zubavičienė


In the era where AI has become an omnipresent phenomenon influencing many spheres of human endeavour, it appears that education, and within its borders, language teaching-learning practices, are no exception. With the strong potential of AI in mind, but also taking into consideration the fact that language is a fluid, and delicate concept, the paper aims to contrast some AI with human practices. Namely, it sheds light on how potentially successful the compared entities, i.e. AI supported technology and EFL students, can be when solving some language tasks brimming with collocations and idioms, known as challenging and usually requiring deeper understanding of the intended message. Upon comparing the collected samples, and commenting on strengths and weaknesses of both sides, the paper concludes by pointing to some pedagogical implications that could potentially improve our existing TEFL practices.


TEFL; language tasks; idiomatic expressions; collocations; AI; students

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