Collocations in German and Austrian Annual Reports – A Synchronic Approach

Borislav Marušić, Kristina Marušić


Since the second half of the 19th century, the corporation as a legal entity has played a crucial role in the world economy because it has significantly contributed to technological and, therefore, social development. Most inventions, industries, and new technologies from the second half of the 19th century until today have been created under the auspices of the corporation. German and Austrian corporations contributed to the technological development of these two countries and positioned them at the top of the most developed European countries. Despite the importance of corporations in economic life, the German corporate language, the way in which corporations communicate with their owners, employees, customers, creditors, and the broader investment public, has not been significantly researched. This paper presents the results of synchronic research on collocations in the annual reports of German and Austrian corporations for the business year 2022. Two corpora consisting of eight annual reports of corporations representing head-to-head competitors and coming from two variants of the German language (standard German and Austrian German) were analyzed and compared. The results of the linguistic analysis show the differences in the lexicon in the two variants of the German corporate language. They can be a stimulus for further corpus research in that area. The paper also has pedagogical implications, as it can help raise awareness among economics students of the lexical differences between the two varieties of the German language. Furthermore, the results obtained can be used to teach Business German and prepare vocabulary practice exercises.


(Austrian) German; corpus analysis; annual reports; collocations; Business German classes

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