Building Bridges in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Complex Dynamics of Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in a Fragmented Society

Selma Delalić, Hana Suljević


This research aims to explore peacebuilding mechanisms in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on the roles played by major international organizations – the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Special emphasis has been placed on addressing the effectiveness of the mechanisms and the strategies deployed by these organizations and identifying the challenges they faced during their missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although focused on the post-conflict peacebuilding efforts, the research provides an overview of the wartime (1992-1995) background contextual information. Employing an inductive and qualitative approach, the research synthesizes a range of sources, including scholarly articles, archival materials, and case studies, to understand the strategies and impacts of these organizations in the peacebuilding process. The research aims to provide a comprehensive narrative of the controversial contributions of these organizations in the post-conflict environment, emphasizing their influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s trajectory towards peace and stability.


Bosnia and Herzegovina; conflict; peacebuilding; international organizations

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