Symbolic Violence, Site of Memory and Transitional Justice Reconciliation Framework in Vukovar

Sandra Cvikić


The aim of this article is to critically examine the transitional justice process of reconciliation in post-war Vukovar, focusing on symbolic violence and sites of memory. Compared to the international publications, those published by the author of this paper are critically reviewed as an exercise in self-reflexivity and moral responsibility for the knowledge produced about the war victims of Vukovar in 1991. The concluding remarks, therefore, offer new insights into the relational dynamics of symbolic violence and newly created sites of memory in post-war Vukovar. Moreover, this modest attempt to decipher the tangible impacts of the reconciliation framework of transitional justice in Vukovar has confirmed the inability of socially constructed politics to manage symbolic violence and sites of memory after a bloody war.


Vukovar; site of memory; symbolic violence; transitional justice reconciliation framework

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