Empowering Youth: Innovative Strategies for Preventing Teen Violence

Selvira Draganović


Violence is one of the most serious violations of human rights, as evidenced by its complexity and effects. Young people’s violence is one of the most prominent types of violence in our culture. Adolescents who exhibit violent conduct are also more likely to engage in other harmful behaviours, such as chronic lying, drug addiction, reckless driving, high-risk sexually transmitted infections, and chronic absences from school. Emotional difficulties, such as a lack of emotional regulation skills, difficulty resolving conflict, or difficulties coping with feelings of rage, jealousy, or rejection, frequently lead to violence in young people. Since many teen conversations now take place in public on the internet, these difficulties have worsened as social media has grown in popularity. This heightens the teenagers’ feelings of guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, and fear of others’ judgment. Psychologists are shedding light on the matter with their research insights, highlighting the protective and risk factors in violent conduct and prevention strategies and initiatives. This paper attempts to propose a new approach to the prevention and disruption of violence among adolescents that puts an emphasis on developing strengths and abilities rather than standard psychoeducation. Some of the promising strategies that can assist in forecasting teens’ risk for real-world violence include making meaning, developing interpersonal skills, regulating emotions and behaviour, training in communication skills, peer-led programs, digital monitoring, and bystander intervention, which includes peers, parents, and teachers. Not only can these interventions shield teenagers during a crucial developmental stage, but they can also lower their future risk of committing and experiencing intimate partner abuse.


teen violence; risk and protective factors; intervention; prevention

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2024.9.2.95


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