Sensuousness and Intermediality as Stylistic Dominants in Jasmina Musabegović’s Works

Marina Katnić-Bakaršić


This paper explores the two key features of Jasminina Musabegović's style – sensuousness and intermediality. These two features can be regarded as stylistic dominants in the works of this writer, essayist, critic, and editor, where orientation on language is always strongly present. Intermediality is in some cases realized as ekphrasis (verbal representation of a visual work of art, i.e. a painting, photograph, piece of architecture), whereas in other cases verbal devices create filmicity. so that some of the scenes in her novels look like movie frames. It is argued that there exists unity of style in all works of this author, whereby her novels contain elements of essays and other genres, and lyricism and sensuousness occupy a central place in all her texts.


Jasmina Musabegović; idiostyle; stylistic dominance; sensuality; intermediality; ekphrasis

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