Anagronism of Topoi and Atopoi in the Works of Jasmina Musabegović

Šeherzada Džafić


Few female authors have managed to bring about a gynocritical habitus of recognition like that of Jasmina Musabegović. A woman as a scholar, writer, and interpreter – both in the context of literary criticism and the literary text itself – would be just some of the key determinants of this author's creative biography. The experience of meticulous scholarly effort, poetic-essayistic feminine writing, the skill of deconstructing patriarchal codes, and the profiling and reconstruction of female narrative identities are preoccupations that lead Musabegović towards anachronisms. In her literary-critical work, essayistic oeuvre, in novels – from the first Snopis to Žene. Glasovi – identities, both authorial and protagonistic, inscribe themselves through certain topoi (typically female cognitive intimate spaces) and atopoi (dreams, the body's aporia, arts, phantasmagoria), reaching textual, and through it, an existential anachronism. Under the hypothesis that women's anachronisms occur precisely through and between topoi and atopoi, the work examines how they manifest and what they reflect. The research leads to the conclusion that the motifs of recognition range from sensual feminine to geographical and historical, woven into their associations subject to previous experiences.


topos; atopos; anachronism; abjection; identity; representation of femininity; identity

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