Kant’s Theory of History-the Opportunity of the Establishment of the World’s Civilization

Mirela Karahasanović


Kant argues about the concept of history trough three issues: the issue of perception, the issue of morality and the issue of politics. He wants to present the human journey from the wilderness to the civilization to culture and from culture to morality. The universality od Kant indicates to the human orgin is connected to the mutual destiny of the mankind could be developed. According to this, history is showing us many antagonisms of the nature and the intellect as parts from which are the human gifts for morality developed. The progres the development of the civilization is a product from the conflict as a part of nature, and the last aim of this development is the establishment of the world’s civilization. With the establishment of the world’s civilization is not only the freedom of mankind in their relationship guaranteed but also in the relationship of countries. The purpose of this work is not only to present the theological background of Kant’s concept od history, but also to put the accent on the issues about the (im)possibility of the realisation of the historical aim, and these issues are engendered in Kant’s philosophy.


history; word’s civilization; the purpose of perception; the natural purpose; morality;

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