Risk Factors of Violence Against the Elderly in Social and Health Care Institutions

Hariz Šaric, Fatima Mehmedović


Knowing that the phenomenon of violence against the elderly on the rise in Bosnia and Herzegovina,opted us to make efforts in the direction of its comprehensive research and investigation. The focus is primarily focused on theoretical and empirical research on the characteristics and extent of the phenomenon of violence against the elderly and the risk factors that cause alarm and the development of social deviation. Post-war living conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is characterized by traditional patriarchal milieu, destroyed the system of social protection, social transition and slow the structure of state institutions, and late made legislation, have a significant impact on the prevalence of violence against the elderly.The research results clearly demonstrate that violence against the elderly in social and health institutions in Tuzla Canton there and that is caused by the action of a large number of risk factors. The subjects - the elderly, the potential risk factors of violence against them, according to significance, listed in the following order: lack of supervision in the institutions, inadequate training of personnel, poor implementation of standards, low moral values, stress and professional burnout, personal difficulties and problems, authoritative approach staff tends punishment, understaffing, low professional value and dependence of the elderly on the help of others.The study points to the need for multidisciplinary research and continuous monitoring of violence against elderly people, training and information to the public and by taking various social and legal forms of struggle against violence.


elderly; violence against the elderly; institutions for the elderly; risk-factors; social prevention;

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