Passive Vocabulary and ˝Passivisability of Idioms˝ in the Journal Behar (1900-1910)

Azra Hodžić-Čavkić


This paper deals with the characteristic of idioms that were first published in Behar. Namely, the magazine Behar was first published in the period 1900–1910 and its five numbers contain a section that paid special attention to so-called “folk phraseology”. This part of the journal was initially called “From Folk Phraseology”, and later they renamed it “Folk Phraseology”. Phraseology as a linguistic discipline was established after Vinogradov’s papers written in the 1940s. However, on a global level, interest in the idioms has always been a part of interest shown by writers, so it is not uncommon that first phraseographic works were started by them. Such is the case with Bosnian phraseology. This paper shows the basic features of “folk phraseology” published in Behar and points out the correlation between passive lexical units and the “age” of idioms, which could be one of the signs of social change.


phraseology; phraseography; Bosnistics; idioms; Behar

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