A Case Study of the Rational-emotional Behavioral Therapy of the Anxious-depressed State

Nataša Bardak-Ćurko


The Rational-Emotional Behavioral Therapy (REBT) finds its wide-ranging usage in counseling and psychotherapy work and in working with adolescents. REBT assumes that the anxious-depressive state is an emotional consequence of the interaction of perceived negative life events and people's dysfunctional or irrational beliefs about these events. This paper work is an illustration of the individual rational-emotional behavioral (REBT) treatment of anxiety-depressive state of a second-year high school students that occur with repeated failures. Thetreatment consisted of 12 sessions, which included the conceptualization of the case with clinical assessment, defining the goals and plan of the treatment, presentation of the course of treatment and results and, completion of the treatment. REBT interventions have led to changes in the cognitive plan in the form of more realistic assessments of situations, changes in life philosophy and the application of learned lessons to many aspects of life. On an emotional plan, there was a marked decrease in anxiety, depression and self-acceptance. On the behavioral plan there was increased functionality and willingness to take the risk of failure and leaving the comfort zone. The assessment of the effects of theconducted REBT treatment of anxious-depressive state was made on the basis of clinical evaluation as well as standard psychological assessment questionnaires. 


Rational-emotional behavioral psychotherapy (REBT); anxiety; depression

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