Quality Management System in Social Protection Institutions in Relation to Established Goals and Processes

Asim Pandžić


This paper aims to determine the relationship of social protection institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina about quality in the segment of establishing goals and processes within the institution. Quality management in social protection institutions systematically, which implies establishing a quality management system, would contribute to fulfilling their function, reflected in better satisfaction of overall user needs, increased user satisfaction, and societal satisfaction as a whole. In this study, we employed methods such as document content analysis and examination. For data collection, a specialized instrument in the form of a survey questionnaire comprising indicators of goals and processes with three new scales was devised. We applied scaling techniques in collecting data from respondents, employees of social work centers, and relevant non-governmental organizations. Hypothesis testing employed sorting techniques and statistical data processing. The research results showed that the management of social protection institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina is sufficiently oriented towards quality management in the segment of establishing goals and processes within the institution, with evident differences in the perception of quality management according to goals and processes relative to the educational status of employees.


management; quality; social protection institutions; Bosnia and Herzegovina

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2024.9.1.1097


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