Jasmina Musabegović’s Anthology Within the Framework of the Recording History and Motive Register of Bosniaks Lullabies

Nirha Efendić


The Bosnian and Bosniak writer Jasmina Musabegović (1941-2023) is known to the cultural public of Bosnia and Herzegovina for her novels, essays, and translations from the French language. It is less known, however, that a small collection of lullabies in the Bosnian language is also attributed to Musabegović's research and writing work. The aforementioned collection was published by BZK „Preporod“(Bosniaks' Cultural Society „Preporod“) in 1997 in Sarajevo, with the editorial supervision of literary historian and folklorist Munib Maglajlić. In this paper, the aforementioned collection of writer Jasmina Musabegović will be presented through a thematic analysis of selected poems on a literary-poetic level, and then it will go into the broader context of the overall work of the collected folk lullabies among the Bosniaks so far. The most frequent themes and motifs also will be reviewed within the entire corpus related to that material. With this approach, we tried to draw attention to Musabegović's cultural contribution, which, apart from her literary work, was also reflected in her collection of folk wisdom.


Jasmina Musabegović; lullaby; folklore; lyric poem

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2024.9.1.225


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ISSN: 2490-3604 (print) ● ISSN: 2490-3647 (online)

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